Well, to say the least, there’s been a heck of a flourishing business out there, taking advantage of human and economic misery, horrors of war on the one side and political weakness and brainless media on the other….
In the first quarter of the year, it was all about boatloads of migrants trying to make it to European territory, crossing the Mediterranean Sea from the north coast of Africa. One of those sad stories caught my curiosity: a hardly floating boat with one thousand people on board abandonned by its crew and “saved” by the Italian navy; well, average price of being on that boat was USD 2’000 per person, i.e. that is a two million dollars cruise…. No doubt that type of sum will attract “entrepreneurial minds” lacking any other opportunity to earn a decent living…
Politicians in Brussels then spend weeks mulling over it to come up with the ever so wise view of wanting to offer to welcome up to 20’000 migrants in 2015, and distributing them throughout the EU. Wow, I do remember thinking that the people behind this business do not need to spend any money on marketing, Brussels does it for them. They just need to start selling the tickets.
So how are we doing today? We are getting close to one million migrants for the full year…. For the French speakers, I encourage to read “Le Camp des Saints” by Jean Raspail (ok, now an old chap, and a bit on the right of the right side of the political spectrum); it was written in 1973 and is a “tad politically incorrect”, i.e. if written today, I’m not even sure it would get published; my point is in fact to read the foreword in the most recent edition called “The Big Other”…. Pretty acute judgement of what is wrong with the politics and media nowadays (the book in that respect is incredibly “right on”!)
As I often wrote in previous blogs “watch the next elections”, and now we are shifting more and more to the “right” (e.g. see the French latest elections). What people want is the State to enforce authority, and apply the existing laws. The role the media play in criticizing any politician who happens to apply existing laws is appalling (e.g. the Hungarian Prime Minister).
Where are we going on this? Towards likely very unpleasant actions to stop it and furthermore unpleasant actions, however so necessary, to cut the flow at its source,… The latter has started, with the help of some young lunatics that get manipulated into shooting and killing innocent people, only boosting the hatred they promote, but against themselves…
To that we need to add a strong dose of geo-politics and we are heading for some really tough times. One possibility if the States do not handle it is to see “normal people” take it into their hands, eventually creating pockets of “quasi civil war” in some part of European cities…
Very spooky indeed…