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Tag Archives: ECB
As said numerous times: Watch the next elections….
So here we go, European Parliamentary elections throughout the EU this weekend! Now to have an idea of the general “ambiance”, let’s take a quick look at the news presented officially as “good” over the past months (not to mention the “fantastic, … Continue reading
Shall it become known as “Savers’ Spring”?
Well, three days into spring and I cannot not write about what is going on in Cyprus. A rescue-plan which consists of simply taking a cut of people’s savings…. and not a small cut either. When I first heard this, … Continue reading
Posted in 2084 - Scared Or Prepared
Tagged ECB, EU debt, EURO Crisis, euro-zone debt, Future is doomed, truth EURO
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Will IMF-lending be the last straw?
Remembering my university days when we learnt about the IMF, the institution born in Bretton Woods, which had steered the World economies through the post-war decades and was then (early eighties) mainly used to help developping nations grow in a sustainable way, I … Continue reading
Posted in 2084 - Scared Or Prepared, Economic Realities
Tagged Budget deficit, ECB, EU debt, EURO Crisis, euro-zone debt, Future is doomed, IMF
A Short Press Review 3/3…
Between travelling, household things to do and taking care of the kids while my wife had some professional fairs to attend, I have been struggling a bit over the past weeks to find time to write, but as I still collected some … Continue reading
Posted in 2084 - Scared Or Prepared, Economic Realities
Tagged Budget deficit, ECB, EU debt, EURO Crisis, euro-zone debt, Social benefits, truth EURO
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A Short Press Review 1/3….
Between travelling, household things to do and taking care of the kids while my wife had some professional fairs to attend, I have been struggling a bit over the past weeks to find time to write, but as I still collected some … Continue reading
Posted in 2084 - Scared Or Prepared, Economic Realities
Tagged Budget deficit, ECB, EURO Crisis, euro-zone debt, Social benefits, truth EURO
Are we getting anywhere near a solution?
Recent news about Greece’s and Spain’s refinancing problems and the idea going around of interest rate capping on the EURO-Zone Countries’ sovereign debt made me react, as it hopefully points out that what the solution could be is starting to … Continue reading
Posted in 2084 - Scared Or Prepared, Economic Realities
Tagged Budget deficit, ECB, euro-zone debt, Interest rate capping, PIGS
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The news ain’t getting any better!
Was reading the news yet again, and it always looks at the latest statement from or the ECB or Brussels or whoever, which then triggers a few hours’ reaction on stock movements and half the world writes about it as … Continue reading
Posted in Economic Realities
Tagged ECB, EU debt, EURO Crisis, Future is doomed, IMD, PIGS, truth EURO
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